• Welcome to SFMS Model United Nations!

    (Under Construction 9/4/2024)

    What is Model UN?

    Model UN is a research-and-debate based school organization that simulates conferences like the real United Nations. Founded at SFMS in 2023, Model UN is a student-run club, meaning ALL the meetings are run by our students! In Model UN, students work in groups of three (and later two) to construct arguments in the form of 'position papers'. Arguments are then delivered by the delegates at the Conference Events held throughout the year. In addition to the role of being a delegate, other roles include being a voter or researcher.

    When does Model UN meet?

    SFMS Model UN meets every other Wednesday at 4:30pm-5:30pm beginning September 11th, 2024 in the SFMS Media Center. Future dates will be posted in the Model UN Canvas page for students. Students can be picked up afterwards at the front of the school (Windemere Pkwy Entrance). Additional work time will be held every other Friday during Flex in Ms. Mastrangelo's classroom. Students are not required to attend Flex sessions to participate in Model UN. 

    How do I join?

    1. Complete the recommendation form and turn it in to Ms. Mastrangelo on the 8th Grade hallway in room 240. 
    2. Complete the digital so Ms. Mastrangelo can collect your information. 
    3. Join the Model UN Canvas group. Ms. Mastrangelo will add you after you submit your recommendation form and digital interest form.
    4. Pay your $45 membership fee through School Pay starting September 11th, 2024. 

    (Must be logged into you school Google Account to access)

Last Modified on September 4, 2024