• Welcome to the School Nurse Page!


    The clinic is here to ensure that student's health needs are addressed so that we can reduce missed class time and ensure that health conditions do not limit a student's opportunity to learn. Please call the clinic if you have additional concerns or need more information.   

  • A few things to note

    • ALL medications,perscribed or over the counter, must be brought to the clinic by a parent or guardian with a Medication Administration Form signed, which can be found on the form page on the left under Parent Information.This includes COUGH DROPS, please do not send them to school with your child. I am happy to keep medication in the clinic that will help your student feel more comfortable during the school day. Products like nasal spray, or tylenol can be a great way to address the comfort of the student without being absent.


    • If your child came to the clinic at any point during the day, they will come home with a clinic slip that explains why they came to visit and what was done before they were sent home or back to class. If your child has more then a minor injury, I do try and contact you directly.  If at anytime you have any questions regarding a clinic visit, please reach out!


    • If your child does become ill; please keep them home if their temp is greater than 100, they have nausea/vomitting or diarhhea. Any contagious illness like flu, Covid or strep throat, this  should be reported to the the nurse and teacher.
  • About the Nurse

  • Nurse Keri worked at North Fulton Pediatrics for over 20 years before moving into the Forsyth County School System.

    She started as the school nurse at Denmark High School and was there for two years before moving here to Midway Elementary.

    She is very excited to be working with young ones again and is looking forward to this upcoming school year!



    Clinic Hours:


    If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact her at:

    Phone 770-475-6670


