•          ºÚÁÏÍøÕ¾ Profiles



    The Learner Profile is the work of our school district and is displayed in every classroom. The Learner Profile lists the attributes we expect all students to possess by the time they graduate from one of our high schools.

  • Pursue Logo

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    1. Pursue Continuous Learning

    • Master and apply academics for college and career success
    • Make connections to discover new knowledge and ideas
    • Develop talents, interests, and passions
    • Use technology effectively to access information and to display learning


    Utilize Logo

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    3. Utilize Creative and Critical Thinking 

    • Define problems and create solutions
    • Apply knowledge and skills to real-world situations
    • Embrace innovation to adapt to an ever-changing world


    Interact Logo

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    5. Interact Effectively

    • Communicate responsibility through reading, writing, listening, and speaking
    • Work collaboratively with others
    • Cultivate and maintain positive relationships
  • Exhibit Logo

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    2. Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities

    • Display integrity, perseverance, and drive to achieve personal goals
    • Accept responsibility for personal actions
    • Advocate for self, others, and the community
    • Maintain wellness and balance in life test test test test test test


    Engage Logo

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    4. Engage and Contribute

    • Connect to be a world-wise person
    • Develop relationships across boundaries and cultures
    • Interact in a multilingual community
    • Demonstrate civility and respect differences in others