• bronco market header

  • Due to the school’s location and lack of access to stores and financial barriers, The Bronco Market is a place for students to come shop during lunch each day. If the students feel there is a stigma about coming shopping, students can scan the BRONCO CARES QR that is placed throughout the building. This QR code is the same if you want to volunteer or if you need help from our community school resources. The thrift market provides clothing and accessories, the Grocery Market provides sustainable foods, hygiene products and household items.

    Volunteering, generosity and gratitude calms an anxious heart, makes students feel more connected and engaged with school. Volunteers can shop for students who need sustainable food or hygiene items (like Instacart or Click List) with a special color code to keep the student’s identity confidential. Students in need will then pick up items in the counseling suite whenever they can take them home. There is also an option for home delivery when available.


    Interested in Volunteering in this space? Check out the upcoming opportunities here: